Tuesday, June 5, 2012

"Being Brians" Reflection

“Being Brians” was different from what I normally read.  The author was pretty bold to send the questions out online to all the different people sharing his name and expecting the real Brian Doyles to answer.  It looks like it’s just a survey and the results of such, some results turning out to be legit and others being duds and dead ends.  I guess all the other Brians were told that their words would be published.  I don’t think I’d like my personal stories spread to the world by anyone other than myself.  Then again, the author does find his name again in the obituaries and notes how unimportant this Doyle’s life seemed to the paper, after listing some Brians who answered the questions with important facts about themselves…
Personally, I guess I just enjoy “Brian Doyle on Being Brians” more than the article itself.  The article doesn’t seem to have an actual point, just that this author decided to find out just how many Brian Doyles there were and how many of them would be willing to talk about their personal lives.  I guess I just prefer pieces, articles, or cut parts that have an actual point to them.  If it’s a true story that gets the emotions running, I’m behind it.  If it has a moral or another kind of lesson to learn, I’ll read it.  If there’s a thesis and the author proves his or her point strongly enough for people to believe it, I’ll give the author a chance.  This just didn’t seem to have an actual point to me, is all.  Still, I can see the passion that went into this and how others would like it.  It's just a little too different for me, is all.

Idida Z. Casado

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