Tuesday, May 1, 2012

She does it

My uncle always had one mantra, "Keep it simple, stupid." I live by those words. I believe in some ways, Anne Lamott does too. Thirst and The Aunties capture every minute detail that the reader could possible ask for. These profound nuances pulled me in. Her wonderfully simple prose is what keep me in.

There are lines from her pieces that reach me in ways that are profound. She grabs the reader with her wisdom from real life experiences, yet she makes you feel as if you're on the same level, as if you're equals.

I can appreciate that from a writer. I appreciate it more as a reader.

She keeps it simple, for me, "Stupid."


1 comment:

  1. If you liked these two selections, Israel, I'd encourage you to get her book 'Bird by Bird.' She's got that same funny voice, but this time, her topic is writing.

