Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I want be writer - Sheldon Benjamin

I really like this article. It actually reminded me a lot of the book I read The Sense of An Ending because a lot of the book dealt with having an ordinary life. The boys in the story were jealous of the one boy who came from a broken home because his life had narrative pull. Their lives were boring and not worth of story telling because if literature had taught them anything, it's that things worth writing down were extraordinary. Many times we complain about our abnormalities or our disconnect from society and the "norm" but according to this, that which makes us different, makes us worth talking about and gives us a story to tell. He brings us an interesting point about always writing things down and being a "human tape recorder." His honesty in step 5 is appreciated but most writers or aspiring writers go into the field recognizing the lack of stability in the profession. BUT he provides a solution. The practical escape is through another profession. Overall, I really enjoyed this article and the writer gives some wonderful advice that really applies to many different aspects of life, not just writing.

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